Monday, February 8, 2010

2/8 baby quilt

Well I decided to start working on the new baby's quilt last night, and I could not stop. However when I got to the backing I had to quit, I am horrible at math & measuring so I went to my dear sweet husband for help. Well bless his heart he is a phenominal carpenter and mathmetician but turns out he is NOT a quilt maker! Let's just suffice it to say I had to do a lot of fixing and seam ripping and still ended up cutting of a bunch of material and have to go buy more today. So the moral of my story is logical mathmatical problem solving does not always apply to quilt making and my winging it seems to work just fine! So this is the top, please excuse the wrinkles and threads, I keep thinking eventually I will learn how to be a good sewer, but so far it has not been working out so good for me!

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