I can not beleive how long it has been since I have posted, I have been so sick and completely out of it lately. Anywho I have a craft fair tommorrow that I needed to prepare for. This layout is for an upcoming class I have. I used Twitterpated paper, Many Thanks ss, and Grateful SS, and flip flaps. Hopefully soon I will have more to post! If you are still following my blog thanks for sticking with me!
Wow I have just not been very creative lately, and I have not even played with my Copics for about 2 months. Well today I decided enough is enough, get making something. So I finally worked up the ambition to go upstairs to my scrapbooking room and play. I am so in the fall mood, so I used this stamp from H&M(the name escapes me right now) however I of course am out of practice and my sister stopped over and then I was on the phone w/ a lady from church, then my kids woke up early and were having a "dance party" in my daughters room and did I mention I am horrible at backcground to begin with! Whew anyways the next thing I knew it was time to pick up my daughter from school and play time was over. However on the bright side after seeing how not so cute this card was, I was most assuredly inspired to get back into my scraproom and do better I just have not been real intoit lately but I have some wonderful new goodies from CTMH to play with so I'm getting the feelings back. Oh and on a side note we had a bbq at our camp this weekend with our neighbors and Aubrey took some more beautiful pictures. Her photography is called A Moment In Time Photography and if you want some amazing pictures taken let me know and I can put you in touch with her!
Today is such a sad day for me. I know that most parents look forward to sending their kids back to school but I hate it, she is my child and she belongs at home with me. So we have made the decision that thisis her last year of school, starting next year we will begin homeschooling. I am very much looking forward to it.
Okay my family spent the day at camp today but while the youngest 2 were napping I decided to play! So I made these 2 cards, I have a craft fair coming up to prepare for, I prefer non-secular Christmas cards but these are not for me so I try to make things sometimes even when they are not my favorite. I thought these turned out cute anyways. I used brand new Jingle paper, and Juniper ribbon, sparkle brads, Prisma glitter, and the Christmas Melodies, and Evergreen stamp sets.
My wonderfully talented gifted neighbor took these beautiful pics of my kids the otherday. We have more to do and I can't wait. I just had to share some of these, I will have more info later.
Elaina got her hair cut today and I just love it. It is so adorable of course I think it looks better in person than I could capture on film. I also just found out that my neighbor is going to start Elaina's piano lessons next Wednesday. We are so excited.