Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's not goodbye just......

A new blog. Howdy folks, I am sure that by now you have figured out my posting has been extremely sporatic over the last 9 mnths or so. I am a very cyclical (is this a word?) person and I go through phases and lately I have NOT be in a papercrafting phase. I have however been in a decorating your house phase and sometimes I think most of you could careless about what I am painting or redoing or cooking so I post nothing. Well I decided to take the plunge and start another blog, it is on wordpress though and not blogger which makes me a little nervous because of all the "unknowns". Today I published my 1st post on Austerity Acres and I am so hoping that if you are interested in all things diy, home decor, crafts, kids, or cooking you will think of following me on my new blog! My hope is to still keep this blog for all stuff papercrafting.

I have tons of stuff to post on the new blog and a new dining room reveal coming up, you will just have to stick with me until I figure out the whole wordpress thing. If you have any questions, advice or anything I would love to hear from you! Thanks for sticking with me even with the lack of posting that has been going on. Oh and just so you know I think I feel myself headed back into a cardmaking/layout cycle.
